Every year our delightful elementary school holds a Veterans Day assembly. The PTA is in charge and they always do a phenomenal job. A couple years ago they wanted to surprise the students with a balloon drop at the conclusion of the program. ...
A Christian Family Passover
After my freshman year at Brigham Young University I had the opportunity to visit the Holy Land with my parents on a travel study tour. We had two guides for the majority of the trip; one a ruddy and stout LDS Religious scholar of the Ancient Near ...
Joseph’s Moment
My mother was a saint. Whenever I have the opportunity to speak of her and my feelings for her as my mother I always mention one thing in particular that I will always cherish. It was a tender moment as a little girl when at the end of each day I ...
What Christmas Really Is
It was the evening after Christmas. The house was bustling with the sounds and scurry of little people, my own and my sister's. Seth was applying toppings to his homemade pizzas, his new pizza stone warming in the oven. I was enjoying long ...
My Man
This is a post that I have been saving for just the right occasion and I have decided that now is the time. Because November just ended and for our family that month means a few very basic things: football, Thanksgiving, and this man's birthday. ...
What is Halloween anyway?
Halloween. All Hallows' Eve. All Saints' Eve. What is this strange holiday? According to Wikipedia, it is a celebration that marks the beginning of the "time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints, martyrs, ...
Come What May
Fall is finally in full splendor in our little corner of the earth, and it is simply breathtaking. I love that everywhere I turn there is some shimmer of crimson brilliance or glimmer of gold on black to force me to pause and admire and reflect. ...
Protect Them From Evil
Boys. I say this with all the love in my heart: They are awesome, they really are. But sometimes I just have to close my eyes and breathe deeply in and out for a few moments. And occasionally even this attempt at gaining composure and perspective ...
To Everything There Is a Season
A few days ago my oldest child had a dental exam after school. Let me repeat that. My oldest child had a dental exam after school. For anyone unfamiliar with the implications of that statement let me provide a pictorial representation of what ...
Back to School and My Own Growing Up
About this time of year in times past I have often felt as though there must be something horribly wrong with me. Because while the majority of my friends/sisters/strangers in passing were wiping tears from their eyes as they sent children off to ...