A Dozen Random Facts ABOUT ME:
#1. I love food. Delicious, fresh, flavor explosive, expensive food. And dark chocolate. I think if I didn’t also love sweating I would weigh about 400 pounds.
#2. I like to keep a tidy house, but my car is almost always messy.
#3. I am really good at foosball. For this reason, Seth and I can never play.
#4. I apparently love unpopular food. It seems that often when I discover a particular food that I adore, it somehow ends up disappearing from the store shelves or the menu at the restaurant before the year is up. It’s really very sad.
#5. I have a love/hate relationship with showering. I cherish the actual shower, as it is often the only private time I get in a week, but I absolutely loathe getting ready for the day, especially doing my hair. Hate. It.
#6. I have nightmares on a regular basis. Like really bad ones that wake up my husband.
#7. I enjoy a good novel, but I prefer non-fiction any day.
#8. I am a true introvert. Not shy, just an introvert.
#9. I have played one of the original Stradivarius violins, which I later saw housed in the Smithsonian in Washington D.C.
#10. I love “Tiffany” blue and wish I could wear it every day.
#11. I love many things and have many interests, but have mastered exactly none of them.
#12. My most prominent feature is my height. I am 5’10” with my shoes off, so when I wear normal shoes to go out, anywhere, this is apparently too uncommon of a sight to expect a single outing without some sort of comment, astonished glance, or question about my high school athletic involvement.
#13. (Surprise! I guess this is baker’s dozen…) Probably due to #12, I’ve discovered that I quite enjoy casual chats with people I’ve never met before. Strangers fascinate me. Seth and I frequently wish we could interview the unique people we encounter when we’re out.