This was the question I was asking myself recently when I was surprised by an invitation to be featured on as part of their “Females of Fitness” blog series. After exploring the blog, my first thought was that there must have been some sort of mistake. Or, at the very least, some level of misrepresentation. This blog was filled with all kinds of amazing women: marathoners, Olympic weightlifters, cross fit athletes, figure competitors. Um… I’m just a mom who happens to work out every day; there’s reeeeally nothing special about me. Surely someone (my husband) must have exaggerated my qualifications to the inquirer. But as I learned more about what was intended for their blog, I agreed to participate.
Because you know what? I am fit! No, I’ve never run a marathon, or trained for an Olympic event, or even stepped foot in a cross fit gym. And I certainly don’t look like I should be entering any figure competitions any time soon. But, I get up early every morning and I work out. I eat nutritious foods that provide proper fuel for my body. And five and half months after having my sixth baby, I have lost all 40 pounds of my pregnancy weight.
More importantly, I feel healthy. I have energy and I am strong enough to care for my family of eight every day.
For me, that is fit.
Having a small part in this “Females of Fitness” series has inspired me to continue on and push through those days when energy is low and life’s tempo is high. It is definitely not easy at times, but remaining in full health is always worth it.
Check out some of the inspiring stories of other women (WAY more impressive than me) who have made health and fitness a priority in their lives!