I am trying my best to not let that happen just yet. So this year as the birthday caboose, Emery received ample adoration.
He began the day with his favorite breakfast…muffins:).
And bananas. He literally inhales these as though he is, in fact, a primate.
When evening came, it was time to celebrate. Culver’s was the dinner of choice (thank you, Grandpa!), followed by presents and cake at home.
We always do gifts first. It’s cleaner.
After weeks of watching his brothers open presents, this one was thrilled to finally have his turn!
Emery was such a gentleman opening his gifts. He sat in his little chair and received them graciously and with sufficient excitement:).
Cute, cute boys.
Getting him situated for the main event. Let’s be honest, the cake is the only part that really matters to a two year old.
Happily, he has much improved his eating skills since the last time he ate cake with such an audience. There was some disappointment in the room as a result of his nimble control of a spoon (sorry, Uncle Devin), but mom was grateful!
Aaaand, further display of his dexterity with eating utensils. Even gentlemen pick their noses sometimes. With spoons, evidently.
There aren’t many words to express how much we adore our little boy. He is pure sunshine and delight, every single day.
Emery is loving and affectionate and unusually perceptive to the feelings of others.
He is smart and curious and funny.
He loves the outdoors. He would spend his entire day outside if he could. We recently had to finally purchase door handle covers because of his tendency to flee to nearby fields. Of course, he figured those out in about a 30 minutes, so now we must dead bolt all the doors. At all times. Without exception.
He loves music and is often heard singing around the house as he plays, eats, is supposed to be taking naps… Sometimes when I think an older child has gotten bored with their piano practicing and has starting just plunking around trying new melodies and note combinations, I discover that it is actually Emery. (I will fuel this flame. One of my children has got to have some naturally occurring musical inclinations, right?)
He has the most infectious laugh you can imagine and a smile that catches your breath in your chest. It’s impossible to ever be mad at him. Even when he takes a green marker to the walls. And then does it again later for good measure.
Truly, we are so blessed to have this child. It amazes me daily to think that I have such joy in my life.
Your boys are the sweetest and ALL have such great smiles 🙂